Saturday, 8 September 2007

Hi there, I'll be a bit short for once. I'm helping my brother wright an essay(I know it is a short novel in English, but the word essay in norwegian is acctualy a style of writing. Like a text of thought...) about choice. Pretty hard since 1: I haven't learned about it yet 2: I don't understand the rules/guidelines for it, thus I don't know what they want from us. 3: It is a one page task. It has too be good. And I don't have any good anecdotes for one page...

My friends arrives at five o'clock. I'm having a cosy friends night, with snacks and movies;)
I have to get the pizza menu somehow. Can't find it on the IT...

I love to sleep over at Malvies place!^^ Did it yesterday<3 We ate ice cream and watched films.

catch U later;)


Luis Majarena said...

Congratulations for your blog.
It,s very interesting

Oda said...

Thanks for you comment!I apprechiate(spelled wrong?) it. I'm trying to improve it...
It's sort of "norwegian daily life" blog:p