Thursday, 27 September 2007

Germany vacation!

-That's right:I'm finally going somewhere! It's been years since I last left the Nordic areas-_-*

But it's happening. I'm leaving today with my dad and brother. I'm looking forward to it!^_^

I should really pack up my stuff now...

So! I met Don Rosa at Tronsmo, togheter with Emilie. We also met a cool guy named Espen (if my memory is correct) who did the same thing three years ago. All of us came about 13:30, and we stood in line for FOUR HOURS! It was amazing, 'cause the line was still long outside when we left! Poor D.R. I hope his arm's OK.

I feel sorry for those who stood in the end of the line when we left... Don't think they got an autograph.

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