Friday, 14 September 2007

Jambo mambo!

I just want to say one thing first, because it's been on my mind many times:

- Take responsibility for you actions! It affects both you AND the people around you.
I've always tried to think of the consequences for what I want to do. It's all about discipline, duty/responsibility, love and loyalty. People are so egoistic nowadays(am I talking about "nowadays"? I'm not an old woman in a wheelchair!O_o). I'm starting to feel affected by it too. Horrible. I hope that someday, everyone can respect each other, and the fact that no one are the same. We all feel different about things. That's a good thing.

I often take interest in people that are a little more off-beat. Most "cool" people would say they're nerds, outsiders and freaks. It hurts me to hear them say that. I chose to be who I am.
I don't want to be some society play-doll. I'm not a goody-two-shoes. But neither are those who choose to follow fashion and the wave...
I just feel bad for those who really are colourful, but don't have the courage or backbone to show it. Even grown-ups are like that. Even worse in many cases.

I guess many of us lack some manners and social antennas. But the worst thing is how prejudiced they are. It's always like they're picking on those who are a little different. I don't see why. Or... Maybe they just don't know how to act. But I can see the connection between the way of the parents and their children. I can't say the talk around the dinner table, since there are few who actually gather that way. Most children nowadays also have divorced parents. My mum grew up with her single mum, and had to take too much(!) responsibility. This is absolutely not healthy.

The best thing is to grow up in a stable home, with a stable family and dinners together. The parents should give some moral and show respect to their children. This way they'll get mutual and real love, witch is one of the mos important things. Live to learn, learn to live.

I think this is where family's have failed. Badly.

Heh... This was serious stuff, eh? If there is anything you'd like me to write/give my opinion about, just leave a comment.

I'd like to express my condolences for those who lost anyone September 11th 2001. I remember watching the news at home.

I wonder how it went this year, because Ethiopia, after the Georgian calender, went into a new century then. I know there was a HUGE celebration with fireworks and all. I wish i could been there to see it.

Is there anyone who's going to the Led Zeppelin concert in London November 26. i hear the websites almost broke, because over 20 millions would get tickets and stuff.
Is it true they're satanists? Stairway to heaven is said to have a bacward message...
Look it up at youtube. A bit scary. But mostly sad. Rumors have it that under the vietnam war, US troops played "Whole lotta love" at full blast while attaking with tanks... To frighten the people they said...

(I'd like to give this text some pictures, but I can't make it work right now..)

OK. I'm done now:p (This post became too long..!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

t's such a great site. imaginary, quite fascinating!!!


