Thursday, 27 September 2007

Germany vacation!

-That's right:I'm finally going somewhere! It's been years since I last left the Nordic areas-_-*

But it's happening. I'm leaving today with my dad and brother. I'm looking forward to it!^_^

I should really pack up my stuff now...

So! I met Don Rosa at Tronsmo, togheter with Emilie. We also met a cool guy named Espen (if my memory is correct) who did the same thing three years ago. All of us came about 13:30, and we stood in line for FOUR HOURS! It was amazing, 'cause the line was still long outside when we left! Poor D.R. I hope his arm's OK.

I feel sorry for those who stood in the end of the line when we left... Don't think they got an autograph.

Friday, 21 September 2007

Ahh... Freedom! freedom... FREEDOM!

Yey... -_-I was at home today, because I'm too ill. My voice is trembling, it hurts a bit in my chest... Man, I hate this. Just one, single day left at school, and I end up sick. Great...

But I had a nice day though. Watched some anime on you tube(now, there's about 2/9 episodes left of Princess Tutu!O_o), listened to music, and read some manga in my bed. Sometimes, you have to be home, for the sake of your body to recuperate. Most people forget about this, or they might not have the chance. They just swallow a box with pills...

But I'll be fine tomorrow. I've made up a program this weekend too, so... I kinda have to!>_<

I'm going to a Brazilian cafe with some friends, and were gonna hit the town together.
Sunday, I'm planning something with Emilie, cinema or..? I wanna hang out with Malvie too!<3>

At least I got my mum to buy some new manga. Ugh! This is gonna get expensive...>.<' I bought Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden 2 and a new issue of shojo beat^_^

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

25th Anniversary, 25th post


I've finally bought The essential Clash album!^_^ I love it already<3>
:-) is now 25 years!

- I suggest following sequence with sing to mark something funny: :-)

That's about what Scott E. Fahlman at Carnegie middle university, post board at exactly 11:44 local time 19. September 1982. Since then, this little electronic smiley has gotten a huge family of brothers and sisters...

-It's been fascinating to see this little phenomenon grow from a little message I wrote at ten minutes, to be world-famous.

I'm gonna check if the anime videos are all gone from guba...

I don't have much else to say, got even more homework to do~_~* Bah!

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Dissapearing films...

Nooo! Each time I start seeing some series on the net, they disappear when I'm just about done! I wonder why?! I watched some princess Tutu episodes today on guba, but suddenly, they where all gone! I think that's what happened to Ouran Host club too. Episode 29-31 disappeared!O.o You noticed something similar too?
Annoys me! ~.~*

Well, I haven't done too much homework, witch means I have to do it all tomorrow*sight*.

I absolutely love Arnulf Øverland's poem "du må ikke sove!(spring 1936)" (you mustn't sleep!). It made me cry. And I almost never cry... Look him up on the internet. He's great*sniff, sheading tear*. I can only wright it in norwegian... But I'll do it later for those who have some kind of dictionary.

I've made some improvements on my blog. New video clips;)

Muse is coming to norway 23. september. I think they're pretty cool, but 400 NOK is way too much... It's held in Oslo spectrum though..

Just about two weeks to next vacation!^_^ Yayee!
Post to ya soon!

Journalist: "How do you find America?"
John: "Turn left to Greenland...">_< hehe

Monday, 17 September 2007

A little post with politics involved...

I just have to tell something I heard from some friends. Does anyone know the nazigroup named Vigrid?! They're crazy! Just check out their site. Their motto: Odin(old Norse god) is great, and we are his people... OK, never mind, that's not the point. The point is the story:
Vigrid is always at the place things are happening. Especially if there is a politic clash between the left and right side. Blitz is a political group with their headquarter in Oslo(Pilestredet)(left side). They often have illegal stands and marches, where they f. ecs. criticize American politics and the way blitz-people are treated in jail.
One of these times (I think it happened in Germany), the police, blitz and Vigrid picked a fight. You could see an incident where a policeman had to beat down a blitz man, and then someone from Vigrid started to hit the almost unconscious blitz-man, so the policeman had to beat down him too! Now that was sick...
The winter is coming closer now. It gets dark earlier, and its colder in the morning. I almost skipped school today; so hard to get up!*_* - I love the music. KAWAII DESUNE?!>.<

Oh! I'm looking forward to meet face-to-face with the great Don Rosa!! He's coming to Oslo 25th September, and my friend and I are gonna be there=)

I love his stories and drawings. Sure, Barks is the father, but: Don Rosa is the greatest! He deserves some huge award of some kind. I wish I had all his work.

I want to tell you about a genius artist who lives at an old milk fabric(yeah, ALL norwegians live like this). He has made it into a gallery, where he shows his collection of diverse posters and old toys. He also have some art catalogues and paintings, but I think the posters are the most breath taking. His name is Guttorm Guttormsgaard. You should see him once. I'll give you the adress later if you ask.

I have to read the fellowship of the ring soon! I want to read it before I see the film.

Wish me luck then:p

(this is pictures from the event... didn't make a post:P look at all those ppl who wants his autograph!)

Sunday, 16 September 2007

Sunday again...

I hate Sundays. I always go around thinking about Monday... Even if i have a friend visiting.

We have too much homework! Believe me...

I have to buy the new issue of shojo beat!<3I'm probably going to watch the lord of the rings with Emilie today. If we have time enough.

I'm starting to learn tai chi. See, i lent a book from the library, and it's really easy, with lots of pictures! It helps the coordination and much more. In short; makes you healthy.

Also, I lent a book filled with Celtic folk-tales. I love fairy tales and folk-tales. I grew up with the old Norwegian ones collected by Asbjørnsen and Moe. They're about ordinary youth, old widows, talking animals, princesses, kings, trolls, "nisser"(gnom-like creatures), "huldra"(a fairy-like woman with a cow tail..), draugen(I don't know if it's collected by asbjørnsen and Moe though..)and the one I love the most: nøkken. A creature that lives in still waters far into the woods. He plays on his violin, or Norwegian "fele", and lure you into the water. Then you drown, and no one knows where you went. You should see the Swedish "Ronja røverdatter"(ronja scamp).

A picture of nøkken by a famous Norwegian painter:Theodor Kittelsen.

Friday, 14 September 2007

Jambo mambo!

I just want to say one thing first, because it's been on my mind many times:

- Take responsibility for you actions! It affects both you AND the people around you.
I've always tried to think of the consequences for what I want to do. It's all about discipline, duty/responsibility, love and loyalty. People are so egoistic nowadays(am I talking about "nowadays"? I'm not an old woman in a wheelchair!O_o). I'm starting to feel affected by it too. Horrible. I hope that someday, everyone can respect each other, and the fact that no one are the same. We all feel different about things. That's a good thing.

I often take interest in people that are a little more off-beat. Most "cool" people would say they're nerds, outsiders and freaks. It hurts me to hear them say that. I chose to be who I am.
I don't want to be some society play-doll. I'm not a goody-two-shoes. But neither are those who choose to follow fashion and the wave...
I just feel bad for those who really are colourful, but don't have the courage or backbone to show it. Even grown-ups are like that. Even worse in many cases.

I guess many of us lack some manners and social antennas. But the worst thing is how prejudiced they are. It's always like they're picking on those who are a little different. I don't see why. Or... Maybe they just don't know how to act. But I can see the connection between the way of the parents and their children. I can't say the talk around the dinner table, since there are few who actually gather that way. Most children nowadays also have divorced parents. My mum grew up with her single mum, and had to take too much(!) responsibility. This is absolutely not healthy.

The best thing is to grow up in a stable home, with a stable family and dinners together. The parents should give some moral and show respect to their children. This way they'll get mutual and real love, witch is one of the mos important things. Live to learn, learn to live.

I think this is where family's have failed. Badly.

Heh... This was serious stuff, eh? If there is anything you'd like me to write/give my opinion about, just leave a comment.

I'd like to express my condolences for those who lost anyone September 11th 2001. I remember watching the news at home.

I wonder how it went this year, because Ethiopia, after the Georgian calender, went into a new century then. I know there was a HUGE celebration with fireworks and all. I wish i could been there to see it.

Is there anyone who's going to the Led Zeppelin concert in London November 26. i hear the websites almost broke, because over 20 millions would get tickets and stuff.
Is it true they're satanists? Stairway to heaven is said to have a bacward message...
Look it up at youtube. A bit scary. But mostly sad. Rumors have it that under the vietnam war, US troops played "Whole lotta love" at full blast while attaking with tanks... To frighten the people they said...

(I'd like to give this text some pictures, but I can't make it work right now..)

OK. I'm done now:p (This post became too long..!)

Sunday, 9 September 2007

There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way!

I can't believe how happy I am! I'm like: "Awww... Cute...^^ " all the time. Must be because I've seen so much of my friends lately. And yesterday, I had a friends night. Everyone brought some snack, and we saw flightplane and memoirs of a geisha. All of us had a great time. Except one I had to invite, who is too egoistic and spoiled. But I feel kinda sorry for her, and since she knew I was going to have this event... Well, I guess she also had a nice time though.

I think my grades are improving at school. I'm going to Germany for this fall vacation. I'm looking forward to it. Long time since I've been out of the Nordic areas. Many people in my class goes to Spain and places like that each vacation! I'm just thinking how awful they are to the environment. I heard that the Galapagos doesn't get harmed by all the tourism. on the contrary: the money they earn goes to keep it all natural. They get rid of unwanted animals and plants (which probably came by tourists!). Ecuador can't afford loosing the tourism money, since the Galapagos can be expensive to hold. But there got to be another way to do this! Maybe I'll start sending money to them:p I guess they'd just disappear, unless the WWF took hand of it.

I feel like talking about nature only. Gotta do that sometime. I hate the globalising! It's like we're all living in one, big, poverty city. I always try to take the "friendliest" transportation, like train when travelling.

Anyway, I'm gonna upload a strange Japanese commercial later.
But first I got to download it.. Don't worry. I'll translate.

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Hi there, I'll be a bit short for once. I'm helping my brother wright an essay(I know it is a short novel in English, but the word essay in norwegian is acctualy a style of writing. Like a text of thought...) about choice. Pretty hard since 1: I haven't learned about it yet 2: I don't understand the rules/guidelines for it, thus I don't know what they want from us. 3: It is a one page task. It has too be good. And I don't have any good anecdotes for one page...

My friends arrives at five o'clock. I'm having a cosy friends night, with snacks and movies;)
I have to get the pizza menu somehow. Can't find it on the IT...

I love to sleep over at Malvies place!^^ Did it yesterday<3 We ate ice cream and watched films.

catch U later;)