Wednesday, 15 August 2007

My blog, Jerome K. Jerome...

I've read through my blog... Some language mistakes. In one post I said I was going to write something more INTERESTING. Guess I failed that..! But at least I'm actually a hardworking blogger. My posts are crappy, but at least they're not about nail polish and microwaved(bleached) hair...

If anyone read this: please leave a comment and help me with making my blog better. See, I'm getting better at my English this way.^_^
Switching subject: I haven't told you about the greatest book I found at the library the other day. The public library gives away old books that no one reads. Except me.
The book is called three men in a boat; to say nothing of the dog. It's written by a man named Jerome K. Jerome, and tells a story about some really good friends and a little boat trip up the Themsen. It was written around 1936. My book is translated, so I'm not sure about the year.
I can only tell it's the GREATEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN!!!!! So funny! I have to stop reading many times, because I cant stop laughing with tears! Gives me a stomache!

Noo! I found out that my school's starting up again Monday 20th! I thought it started Wednesday, but nooo... >_<
'll be celebrating my birthday Saturday instead. The sun is supposed to shine then, and all my friends are home.

This Autumn, my mother and I were hopefully going to Japan, but now wee see that we don't have enough money... We'll do it when the spring comes. I hope I get to see cherry blossoms in full bloom then! And I want to buy some Japanese Watase work^_^ I recently linked to a page with more information about her work. Check it out! Easier to find out about what's on the market...

I bought Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (DVD), but i actually regret. It was so expensive, and I didn't like it... It's better reading the book, since it is serious stuff. But I do think the actors were good.

Last night I slept at Malvie's house. I've missed her! We listened to music and catched up on each other. We saw The cat returns and She's the man. I've never seen the last one. It was really funny! At least before she blew her cover. I recommend it(if it's cheap). Sorry about the picture quality.

I almost can't wait to see rush hour 3! I'm so happy about it!<3>
I wanna see the El Mariachi thrilogi also. Think it might be fun...

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