Tuesday, 4 May 2010

This is Sick

Just watch this... It's about Muhammad being cencored from South Park, even though he was hidden in a bear costume. The creators have been threatened with death due to this, by a muslim terrorism group called Revolution Muslim. If you listen closely around 5 min, you'll notice the man saying terrorism is a command from Allah.

So this is how frightful extreme religiousness can be. They kill over cartoons.
Christianity have been just as bad in former years.
I hope religions will cease to be an excuse or reason for spreading etnosentrism, terror and violence.

Help out. Don't be judgemental.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

You love the people that loves you

Yeah, I love the people who loves me, cuz they're the only thing I got.

I'm just wasting my time, in stead of learning mathematics. Jeez. I'll never learn to ount my blessings.
Just.. I don't really want to ask now, since my teacher will know I've spent an hour doing nothing.

Ever heard of "Atmosphere"? They make really chill music, along with other hiphop bands:
Jedi Mind Tricks, Aesop Rock and The Roots (search for guns are drawn!)

Friday, 29 January 2010

Youtube playlist

A good one:)

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Hey hey for the monkees

I love this song and constantly think about it these days. Gonna learn it on piano: http://gamemusicthemes.com/pdfs/Monkey_Island_2_-_LeChuck's_Revenge_-_Jojo_the_Monkey.pdf

Gamemusicthemes.com is a great page. Go check it out.

Haven't done any snowboarding this winter. How sad. Been much homework, and my sparetime went to visits. Couldn't done it any different I think. Cuz I can't find my boots.
Blah. I'll have to do homework today as well. Sick of it, cuz I'd rather watch history channel.


Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Neutral Milk Hotel

And this is the room one afternoon I knew I could love you And from above you how I sank into your soul Into that secret place where no one dares to go.

I love this song.
For some new bands, check my last.fm
Have a great day! : D