Friday, 25 September 2009

Blah blah blah and a bottle of wine

Right now, I'm stuck in my math class. Not that I don't find math funny/interesting..
It's just that I'm so sleeepy~~ All zombie likexD
Good thing it's finally holiday.
I'm gonna stay with one of my best friends at her hut in "Nordmarka".
2 Hours driving from home. We leave around 6pm today, leaving most electronic devices at home, due to no internet or electricion there. No tv, allthough I usually don't watch it.
Just hope I find the charger for my camera before I leave. It's driving me mad! D:


Besides this, I'm inclined to make any types of art in my room.
It's hell. Ok,ok. I did make some paintings, but it doesn't count.
Feel like throwing all of my stuff out the window and into the garden, leaving my room aviable for grafitti by my hand.
Oh well.. Found the greatest picture ever yesterday hahah! (Check above)
I'm gonna hang over youtube and deviant art now, so see you around soon:p
Take care<3

Tuesday, 22 September 2009


Love this song and artist. Someday soon I'll definitly buy that album<3

Right now, I'm at school - Math class. I'm doing allright, but I'll have to practise more.

Looking forward to better grades...:p